Cisco DevNet Professional DEVOPS – Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms

The DevOps Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms course is part of the Cisco DevNet Professional track . This course prepares the participant to automate application deployment, enable automated configuration, improve management and scalability of cloud microservices and infrastructure processes on Cisco platforms. You will also learn how to integrate Docker and Kubernetes to create advanced and flexible capabilities in application deployment and more. The course contributes to the preparation of the Cisco DevNet Professional Certification exam (Exam 350-910) .
Course Objectives
Below is a summary of the main objectives of the DevOps Course Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms :
- Automating application deployment.
- Enabling automated configuration.
- Improved management and scalability of cloud microservices.
- Integration with Docker and Kubernetes for advanced application deployment.
- Optimizing infrastructure processes on Cisco platforms.
- Implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines for seamless software development and deployment.
- Utilizing monitoring and logging tools to enhance visibility and performance in DevOps workflows.
- Applying DevSecOps principles to integrate security into the DevOps lifecycle on Cisco platform
Course Certification
This course helps you prepare to take the:
Exam 300-910 DEVOPS Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices using Cisco Platforms;
Course Outline
- Introducing the DevOps Model
- DevOps Philosophy
- DevOps Practices
- Interact with GitLab Continuous Integration
- Introducing Containers
- Container-Based Architectures
- Linux Containers
- Docker Overview
- DockerCommands
- Explore Docker Command-Line Tools
- Packaging an Application Using Docker
- Dockerfiles
- Package and Run a WebApp Container
- Golden Images
- Safe Processing Practices
- Build and Deploy Multiple Containers to Create a Three-Tier Application
- Deploying a Multitier Application
- Linux Networking
- Docker Networking
- Explore Docker Networking
- Docker Compose
- Build and Deploy an Application Using Docker Compose
- Introducing CI/CD
- Continuous Integration
- CI Tools
- DevOps Pipelines
- Building the DevOps Flow
- GitLab Overview
- GitLab CI Overview
- Implement a Pipeline in GitLab CI
- Continuous Delivery with GitLab
- Automate the Deployment of an Application
- Validating the Application Build Process
- Automated Testing in the CI Flow
- Validate the Application Build Process
- Building an Improved Deployment Flow
- Post-deployment validation
- Validate the Deployment and Fix the Infrastructure
- Release Deployment Strategies
- Extending DevOps Practices to the Entire Infrastructure
- Infrastructure as Code
- Build a YAML IaC Specification for the Test Environment
- Implementing On-Demand Test Environments at the Infrastructure Level
- Configuration Management Tools
- Terraform Overview
- Manage On-Demand Test Environments with Terraform
- Ansible Overview
- Ansible Inventory File
- Use the Cisco IOS Core Configuration Module
- Jinja and Ansible Templates
- Basic Jinja with YAML
- Configuration Templating with Ansible
- Build Ansible Playbooks to Manage Infrastructure
- Integrate the Testing Environment into the CI/CD Pipeline
- Implement Pre-Deployment Health Checks
- Monitoring in NetDevOps
- Set Up Logging for the Application Servers and Visualize with Kibana
- Create System Dashboard Focused on Metrics
- Use Alerts Through Kibana
- Instrument Application Monitoring
- Use Alerts and Thresholds to Notify Webhook Listener and Webex Teams Room
- Engineering for Visibility and Stability
- Application Health and Performance
- AppDynamics Overview
- Troubleshoot an Application Using AppDynamics with APM
- Chaos Engineering Principles
- Securing DevOps Workflows
- DevSecOps Overview
- Application Security in the CI/CD Pipeline
- Infrastructure Security in the CI/CD Pipeline
- Secure Infrastructure in the CI/CD Pipeline
- Exploring Multicloud Strategies
- Application Deployment to Multiple Environments
- Public Cloud Terminology Primer
- Tracking and Projecting Public Cloud Costs
- High Availability and Disaster Recovery Design Considerations
- IaC for Repeatable Public Cloud Consumption
- Cloud Services Strategy Comparison
- Examining Application and Deployment Architectures
- The Twelve Factor Application
- Microservices Architecture
- Describing Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Concepts: Nodes, Pods, and Clusters
- Kubernetes Concepts: Storage
- Kubernetes Concepts: Networking
- Kubernetes Concepts: Security
- Kubernetes API Overview
- Explore Kubernetes Setup and Deploy an Application
- Integrating Multiple Data Center Deployments with Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Deployment Patterns
- Kubernetes Failure Scenarios
- Kubernetes Load-Balancing Techniques
- Kubernetes Namespaces
- Kubernetes Deployment via CI/CD Pipelines
- Explore and Modify a Kubernetes CI/CD Pipeline
- Monitoring and Logging in Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Resource Metrics Pipeline
- Kubernetes Full Metrics Pipeline and Logging
- Kubernetes Monitoring and Metrics–ELK
Laboratory Activities
- Interact with GitLab Continuous Integration (CI)
- Explore Docker Command-Line Tools
- Package and Run a WebApp Container
- Build and Deploy Multiple Containers to Create a Three-Tier Application
- Explore Docker Networking
- Build and Deploy an Application Using Docker Compose
- Implement a Pipeline in Gitlab CI
- Automate the Deployment of an Application
- Validate the Application Build Process
- Validate the Deployment and Fix the Infrastructure
- Build a Yaml Ain’t Markup Language (YAML) Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Specification for the Test Environment
- Manage On-Demand Test Environments with Terraform
- Build Ansible Playbooks to Manage Infrastructure
- Integrate the Testing Environment into the CI/CD Pipeline
- Implement Pre-deployment Health Checks
- Set Up Logging for the Application Servers and Visualize with Kibana
- Create System Dashboard Focused on Metrics
- Use Alerts Through Kibana
- Instrument Application Monitoring
- Use Alerts and Thresholds to Notify Webhook Listener and Cisco Webex® Teams™ Rooms
- Secure Infrastructure in the CI/CD Pipeline
- Explore Kubernetes Setup and Deploy an Application
- Explore and Modify a Kubernetes CI/CD Pipeline
- Kubernetes Monitoring and Metrics—Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK)
Course Mode
Instructor-Led Remote Live Classroom Training;
Trainers are Cisco Official Instructors and certified in other IT technologies, with years of hands-on experience in the industry and in Training.
Lab Topology
For all types of delivery, the Trainee can access real Cisco equipment and systems in our laboratories or directly at the Cisco data centers remotely 24 hours a day. Each participant has access to implement the various configurations thus having a practical and immediate feedback of the theoretical concepts.
Here are some Cisco Labs network topologies available:

Course Details
Course Prerequisites
- Atendance at the Cisco CCNA Course is recommended .
Course Duration
Intensive duration 5 days
Course Frequency
Course Duration: 5 days (9.00 to 17.00) - Ask for other types of attendance.
Course Date
- Cisco DEVOPS Course (Intensive Formula) – On request – 9:00 – 17:00
Steps to Enroll
Registration takes place by asking to be contacted from the following link, or by contacting the office at the international number +355 45 301 313 or by sending a request to the email